CeMAT RUSSIA and the Wood Dragon
What will the Chinese dragon bring to the CeMAT RUSSIA exhibition?
Over the past two years, the market trend of replacing European brands with goods from the Zhongguo has been obvious, and the number of Chinese companies represented at the exhibition is only growing. According to the CeMAT RUSSIA Project Manager, it is noted that the majority of companies from China that participated last year confirm their participation in 2024. This means that they assessed the quality of the audience and the demand for their product among specialists from Russia.

These companies include MIMA, Zowell, Micorlift, Yuodiao, Cholift, 51CC, Hanzhi, Henglift, IData, Kengic, QSLIFT, Wayzim, New Netwon. Among the new participants: Accolda Bags, Blovedream, CJLIFT, Cowest, Foberria, FORT, Jiutong, Maxbull, Meilingge, Qiguan, Rizda Castors, Shanyan, Shenli, Shenpai, Shuncha, Tai Hu, Taichong, Tiger, Wontonne, Yaoli Log, Yikong Plutools, Yulin, Wordetech, Jinhui Racking, Donghai Storage Battery, Jiangsu Winroller, Qidong Yidiatong, Taicang LHD.