Pick & Pack
The speed and accuracy of processing the goods within a warehouse are key criteria in the work performance of a warehouse complex. Competence in the system of sorting and packaging the products allows for the optimization of the labor costs, lowers the percentage of damage done and minimizes the amount of mistakes made.
The buildup of a competent equipment system is most important when the speed and accuracy of processing of the incoming order and the delivery of it to the consumer count as one of the competitive advantages - in the warehouses of retail outlets, logistical companies, online stores, etc.
How to choose the facilities for the equipment and processing of orders?
Most of the warehouse equipment manufacturers are able to offer order pickers of various modifications and characteristics from their stocks: vertical and horizontal, low-level, automotive, narrow-fitting, etc. The characteristics of the machinery used for equipping is mostly reliant on the existing shelving system and its traits: width of the passes and construction’s height and depth.At the CeMAT RUSSIA exhibition, guests would not only be able to choose the equipment for selecting the orders from the manufacturers and leading suppliers by themselves, but also to receive consultations from independent specialists regarding what equipment for order picking to choose based on the warehouse characteristics and relevant goals.
The choice of the equipment for order packaging is in turn determined by the way the goods are supposed to be packed for shipping: in the heat shrinkable wrap, packaging straps, etc.
Related packaging materials, sorting systems, palletizing equipment, dimensions and weight measures and equipment for applying and scanning markings could be seen on the participant’s stands.
Packaging for the “smart” transportation and logistical system
An exhibition of transportation packaging, equipment and process automation tools TRANSPACK is running concurrently and on the same site (“Krokus Expo”, pavilion 1, hall 2) as CeMAT RUSSIA. www.transpack-russia.ru

You would be able to visit the TRANSPACK exhibition by using the CeMAT RUSSIA e-ticket.
CeMAT RUSSIA and TRANSPACK offer a unique opportunity to familiarize oneself with a wide range of innovative solutions in transportation packaging, order picking and marking – from the order assembly equipment to the packaging materials and pre-made packaging.